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   Author  Topic: URGENT: STOP RALPH NADAR!!  (Read 2861 times)

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« Reply #210 on: Jul 22nd, 2004, 4:00pm »
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That one is from Javad Alizadeh in Iran, and I take it to mean that the vision of peace has died in America, and it was killed by Americans themselves.  
I think this because the Statue of liberty is a very common stereotype in foreign political cartoons, you see it all the time, and because Lennon would be known even inside Iran as a stereotype for the peace movement.
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« Reply #211 on: Jul 22nd, 2004, 4:05pm »
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Actually, I just emailed him to be sure...
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« Reply #212 on: Jul 22nd, 2004, 4:13pm »
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You outdid yourself, Imisshimbad ! It must have taken you a lot of time and research.
Some are downright funny, some are downright tragic...
It's interesting to actually see how the rest of the world (the "free" world I should say) perceive what's goin' on. I dug the "Why do they hate us" one the most.
Did you hear about Carlos Delgado, the Blue Jays' player ?
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« Reply #213 on: Jul 23rd, 2004, 7:16am »
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Hi Mij, glad you found them interesting, it didn't take too long, (through the wonders of modern technology, lol). It's interesting to notice where the cartoons came from, of the 104 cartoons, only 3 or 4 were from the USA. I think people in other parts of the world have an easier job if they want to find out what's going on in the world as here in the US we get a seemingly complete story (although 10,000+ innocent have died in Iraq, and we didn't see any killing or maiming on TV here inside America, it has been "bloodless" on TV to us), so it's all too easy to think one knows what's happening without checking any external sources.
Although I liked the "Titanic" one from Japan, my favorite one was this one, so true:

this one on US media get's honorable mention too...

Interesting, in the above, it shows an adjustment Americans have to make when viewing foreign cartoons. In the above it shows the Jewisn, or Zionist hammering the shit out of the world while the media looks the other way. To Americans, we don't use a religious connection to show this, we think of the "rich 1%" who control's 40% of the country..or more accuratly, the 1/10th of the top 1% who gives 80% of the money that the Democrat's and Republicans recieve. It's about the rich to me, and that can cross religions, a "catholic" asshole to me is just as bad as a jewish asshole. (It's interesting to me too to see all the cars in the church parking lots*, people who say they follow christian teachings..then 94 % of them go out and vote for war presidents). Here we're starting to hear about 900 US troops killed because it's approaching 1000...but we rarely hear about 10,000 civilians killed in Iraq (
In my view, after November 3rd, if either Bush or Kerry get's in, we won't be able to blame our leaders for the killing and suffering anymore, the blame will rest squarely on the American people for voting the money in. Both Kerry and Bush make public their intentions to "stay the course" in Iraq, and we know what that means.  
* Oh, wait a minute, I get it... The PATRIOT Act must have gotten rid of the "Thou shalt not kill" commandment too. Now we can go to church on Sunday, and vote for killing on Tuesday. We're covered(:  
« Last Edit: Jul 23rd, 2004, 9:03am by imisshimbad » IP Logged

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« Reply #214 on: Jul 23rd, 2004, 7:31am »
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Hi Mij,
No, I hadn't seen that Degalo story untill you mentioned it. I guess the Times found it in a small paper and got the nationwide scoop on it Wednesday.
Delgado Makes a Stand by Taking a Seat
Published: July 21, 2004
AKLAND, Calif.
BEGINNING tonight, the Yankees will see a lot of the Toronto Blue Jays. The two teams will play 19 times in the final three months of the season. The Yankees will also see a lot of the Blue Jays slugger Carlos Delgado; they just won't see him in the middle of the seventh inning.  
Though Delgado is having an off year, he remains one of the most respected players in Major League Baseball. Last March when the United States invaded Iraq, Delgado, in his own quiet way, said that for him, enough was enough. He had stood for "God Bless America" through the 2003 season but vowed not to do so this season. In an act of a simple, mostly unnoticed, protest against the war, Delgado, a 32-year-old first baseman, has chosen to remain in the dugout while "God Bless America" is played.
I'm curious to see the reaction to Delgado at Yankee Stadium, which George Steinbrenner has turned into a paean to patriotism. Some teams, including Toronto, have stopped playing "God Bless America," which was inserted into games after the attacks of Sept. 11. Most teams now play the song only on weekends or holidays.  
The Yankees play it during the seventh-inning stretch at every home game. That includes tonight, when they begin a two-game series with Toronto. Delgado will probably not be standing on the field.  
"I'm not trying to get anyone mad," he said Monday in Oakland, where the Blue Jays were playing the Athletics. "This is my personal feeling. I don't want to draw attention to myself or go out of my way to protest. If I make the last out of the seventh inning, I'll stand there. But I'd rather be in the dugout."
Good for him. In the world of mainstream professional sports, where cookie-cutter athletes rarely take a stand on any issue, let alone one as highly charged as a war, Delgado is a rarity. He is unafraid to question a ritual that he does not agree with. Delgado's protest this season has been so quiet, so subtle that Bud Selig, the baseball commissioner, didn't know about it until I called him to talk about it on Monday.
"When you called me today you actually startled me," he said from his office in Milwaukee. Selig later read a statement that he had prepared on Delgado's action.  
"I'm in the process of getting more information, but eventually I would like to sit down and discuss it with Carlos," Selig said. "I am very sensitive to this kind of issue, both as a matter of respect for our country and for one's right to express his opinion."
I'll be watching to see how Selig handles this.
It was Selig, in the aftermath of Sept. 11, who ordered all teams to play "God Bless America," injecting a political statement into the games.
"I don't honestly think that politicizes the issue," Selig said, calling the playing of the anthem a matter of respect. "After all, we do have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan."
With all due respect to Selig, once "God Bless America" became a political statement, a player like Delgado became free to express his own political views.  
His well-thought-out opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is just one part of a larger issue for him. Delgado, a native of Puerto Rico, sees his protest as consistent with his earlier opposition to the Navy's use of the Puerto Rican island of Vieques as a weapons testing ground. In many ways, the United States military waged a form of war for 60 years on the tiny island, using a 900-acre site for bombing exercises.  
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« Reply #215 on: Jul 23rd, 2004, 7:32am »
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(from above)
Delgado, who grew up on the mainland, remembers older residents telling stories about bomb explosions.
"They lived in that target practice area for 60 years," he said. "They tell you stories of how, in the middle the night, a bomb blew up. I never experienced it, but I can imagine it. I can see why you might be a little hostile from time to time. "
Delgado, who was signed by Toronto when he was 16, spent two years involved in the movement to force the Navy to stop using Vieques as a testing site. The military ended the exercises on May 1, 2003. Now, Delgado and others want the United States government to help clean up the economic, psychological and health messes it left behind. He has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars toward that effort and solicited other Puerto Rican celebrities to join the campaign against the aftereffects.  
"It's still in the environment, it's still in the ground, it's still in the water." he said. "That's why we've got the highest cancer rate of any place in Puerto Rico."
Delgado doesn't feel the troops should be in Iraq, much as he felt the United States should not have been in Vieques. He won't stand in support of movements he does not believe in.
Delgado's decision to ignore "God Bless America" has the support of the Toronto organization, even after he said last week that he would not agree to a trade in this, the final year of his contract. Paul Godfrey, the team's president and chief executive, supports Delgado even though he disagrees with his antiwar position. Godfrey criticized the Canadian government for not sending troops to Iraq and was the force behind the team's decision in 2003 to play "God Bless America'' at the Skydome, which the team has now stopped.
"I have no problem with what Carlos did," he said in a telephone interview from Toronto. "Carlos didn't hold a placard and stop traffic. He didn't impede the game because he's not that kind of guy. He's been total class in the community almost from the day he arrived."
Even Blue Jays catcher Gregg Zaun, who strongly supports the war effort (he vowed never to buy another record by the Dixie Chicks after they criticized President Bush), supports Delgado.
"He's a pretty quiet guy and it's been quiet," Zaun said. Delgado has never raised the issue with teammates, Zaun said.
"He has his opinion and he's decided to use that as his platform," Zaun said. "Whether or not I agree with him, I salute him."
Even as he talked about his silent protest this week, Delgado emphasized that he didn't want the demonstration to become a distraction. At the same time, Delgado said he was not backing down from any criticism that comes his way.  
"It takes a man to stand up for what he believes," Delgado said Monday. "Especially in a society where everything is supposed to be politically correct."
"I am not pro-war; I'm antiwar," he said. "I'm for peace."
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« Reply #216 on: Jul 23rd, 2004, 7:49am »
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Thanks go out to oOOo for finding this. I just wanted a link to it in this thread:
Analysis: President Kerry on Israel  
by Gadi Dechter  
WASHINGTON -- A leaked draft of the Democratic Party platform and recent statements by John Kerry suggest that a Democratic White House would continue the Bush administration's enthusiastic support for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
(, oops, another flip-flop here, now that the nomination is in his pocket...)
"I know how disheartened Palestinians are by the Israeli government's decision to build a barrier off the 'Green Line,' cutting deeply into Palestinian areas," Kerry told members of the Arab-American Institute in October 2003, a month after he had announced his candidacy. "We do not need another barrier to peace." He went on to say that the barrier was a "provocative and counterproductive measure" that was not in Israel's interest.
(and now for the flip-flop)
Assured of the nomination, Kerry appears to have reversed his position on the West Bank barrier, which was ruled illegal Friday by the International Court of Justice. "John Kerry supports the construction of Israel's security fence to stop terrorists from entering Israel," the June statement reads.
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jimmie d

"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whipped cream." - FZ

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« Reply #217 on: Jul 23rd, 2004, 5:18pm »
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Nader Campaign Again Fails To get Candidate On Ballot
A second convention falls short of the needed supporters,
so a petition drive is planned.

Friday, July 23, 2004
JEFF MAPES for The Oregonian

With a bitter blast at the Democratic Party, Ralph Nader's organizers in Oregon acknowledged Thursday that their recent convention failed to attract enough supporters to put their candidate on the state presidential ballot.  
Instead, Portland attorney Greg Kafoury said, the Nader campaign has now hired paid canvassers to conduct a petition drive that has about a month to collect 15,306 signatures from registered voters.  
Kafoury and his law partner, Mark McDougal, charged that the Oregon Democratic Party was engaged in "dirty tricks" and had "sabotaged" the Nader campaign's effort to qualify for the ballot at a convention held June 26 at Portland's Benson High School.  
State Democratic Chairman Jim Edmunson denied the charges and said he thought Nader's real problem was a drop in support for him.  
"The bulk of voters realize this election is too important to waste a vote on Ralph Nader," Edmunson said.  
entire article is here:
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« Reply #218 on: Jul 24th, 2004, 10:58am »
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State Democratic Chairman Jim Edmunson denied the charges and said he thought Nader's real problem was a drop in support for him.  
"The bulk of voters realize this election is too important to waste a vote on Ralph Nader," Edmunson said.  

Oregon was interesting, more in a moment, but first I just want to point out that the State Democrat Chairman Edmonson didn't waste the opportunity to get in a couple of attacks with his comments in the post above. As with other negative remarks that have been posted in this thread, it's important to consider who is saying it.
Also note the second comment above is a plea to vote for Kerry even if you don't like him because of fear of Bush. The truth is, this election is too important to waste another vote for corporate control of government and war.
But back an interesting story in Oregon...
With Ralph collecting hundreds of thousands of signatures in all the states on a shoe-string budget (he has a million, D's and R's are going for 1.4 billion), he sought a fast method to get on the ballot in Oregon. Oregon law normally needs 15,000 signatures UNLESS a candade can get 1000 people to sign in one place at one time.
Because Ralph doesn't have big corporate money as a resource, Ralph went for the cheaper way, to get 1000 signatures in one place at one time, (it's cheaper than having to put people on the street for 15,000 signatures and incurr all their travel / organization expenses as he does in other states, (Texas was a bitch, but he got 80,000 signatures
But in Oregon (see the post above), Democrats had an idea to block voter's choice for peace in the 2004 elections. They had the idea to fill the ballot petition hall with Democrats so they'd have to close the doors, (oregon law). Then have these Democrats refuse to sign the ballot petition. All they had to do was get there first. Which is what they did, here is a portion of the email that went out to all the Oregon Democrats:
"We need as many Oregon Democrats as possible to fill that room and to NOT sign that petition.The rules state that once 1000 fill into the room, as certified by state election department officials, the doors close and those in the room sign the petition. If we attend in large numbers and politely refuse to sign, Nader is denied his needed numbers. Its that simple.  
Please make every attempt to attend this important event. We need your help to make sure that Nader does not accomplish this.  
We ask that you get there by 4:30 to make sure we have our numbers".

Unbeknown to Ralph, he hall was full of Democrats. This was to be Ralphs way to get on the ballot in Oregon, and with not enough time to reorganize and collect the 15,000 needed, he had to give up on Oregon.
The above Oregon Democrat scam reminds me of folks who try to merge into the 65 mph interstate highway at 35 mph. They're going to get themselves, and everyone around them killed, but damn if they don't know they're doing it right.
Notes on this and other things the Democrats are up to in the link below. In Illinois they're in the heat for illegally using State employees to check signatures, and in Nevada they have 5 law firms trying to eliminate signatures. The latter is legal, but aren't they really trying to take choices away from people who might disagree with them? Especally unbecoming because the choice they are removing from their neighbors is the only candidate who will imediatly pull corporate, and the puppet government from Iraq.
The good news is that Ralph is successful in many states.
« Last Edit: Jul 24th, 2004, 11:19am by imisshimbad » IP Logged

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« Reply #219 on: Jul 24th, 2004, 10:58am »
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Do I expect Ralph will win? I had hoped voters would get an anti war rally going, (we used to do this in the old days), then Kerry would have had to change is war stance, or Nader would have had a chance to win. The anti war people could have given just enough support to get Ralph into the debates, and then anything could have happened. But all the folks who went against Bush because they were against war, have now become accepting of war. I don't see any uprising against the war anymore.  
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------
From the Wall Street Journal:
Democratic candidate Kerry vows to maintain US troops in Iraq for years.
By Patrick Martin
17 July 2004
"Kerry is reassuring the US ruling elite, including the far-right elements who now back Bush, that he can be trusted to carry forward the US conquest and occupation of Iraq.
The main difference between Kerry and Bush on Iraq boils down to Bush’s continued, albeit cynical and false, claim that the US mission in Iraq is to bring “freedom” and “democracy,” words that were nearly absent in Kerry’s discussion with the Wall Street Journal  
Kerry represents that section of the US ruling elite that wants to set aside Bush’s doubletalk about democratization. This was necessary for gulling the American people during the run-up to the war, they concede, but now it is time to get on with their real business, by establishing the security conditions in which American capital can extract profits from Iraq’s huge oil reserves and from lucrative contracts with the US-controlled puppet regime in Baghdad."
From the Boston Herald
Kerry: 40,000 more troops key to U.S. global mission.
by Noelle Straub
Saturday, May 29, 2004  
WASHINGTON - Senator Kerry yesterday called for boosting the size of the U.S. military by 40,000 troops for the rest of the decade to ease the burden on the National Guard and Reserve, which have been heavily deployed to.  
But the Bush campaign fired back, noting that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld authorized the Army in January to increase its size by 30,000 troops.
Also, from Bloombergs...
Kerry Calls for More Troops in Iraq, Bolstering U.S. Military
-- Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry called for 40,000 more U.S. troops in Iraq--
"Kerry has to be careful in the campaign not to be perceived as too eager to change the course of U.S. policy toward Iraq.''  
I've seen it here and there that most Democrat voters are actually against the war, understand about corporate involvement there, and understand how we are a magnet for violence there, but still, making this violent takeover stick seems to be OK with them, as long as they defeat Bush.
We do indeed live in strange times.
In my life, I can do my part for our brothers and sisters who are suffering right now in this moment although we don't see it on CNN. And I can try to persuade my American friends to stick up for them too. That's all a person can do, and it's important to recognize that too.
So, it's time for a bike ride.
Vote peace.
« Last Edit: Jul 24th, 2004, 11:27am by imisshimbad » IP Logged
jimmie d

"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whipped cream." - FZ

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« Reply #220 on: Jul 24th, 2004, 11:50am »
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on Jul 24th, 2004, 10:58am, imisshimbad wrote:
Unbeknown to Ralph, he hall was full of Democrats. This was to be Ralphs way to get on the ballot in Oregon, and with not enough time to reorganize and collect the 15,000 needed, he had to give up on Oregon.

If Team Nader got outfoxed by a handful of Dems,
howz he gonna deal with the Real Bad Guys?
...and you want to be my latex salesman...

 Grin Cool Grin
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"If Frank Zappa cut a fart and mixed it to stereo, I'd buy it!!!" - jimmie d

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« Reply #221 on: Jul 24th, 2004, 1:36pm »
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How can Nader know everyone in Oregon,
how do you justify Kerry's escalation in the war and violence referred to in his plans above. Could you address that point please?
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« Reply #222 on: Jul 24th, 2004, 3:00pm »
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This is the guy you will give your vote to, and who you want me to vote for. This will cause a lot more suffering, could you tell us how it will help to escalate the violence?
I mean specifically why do you back this policy, and how you justify the killing it will cause?
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------
From the Wall Street Journal:
Democratic candidate Kerry vows to maintain US troops in Iraq for years.
By Patrick Martin
17 July 2004
"Kerry is reassuring the US ruling elite, including the far-right elements who now back Bush, that he can be trusted to carry forward the US conquest and occupation of Iraq.
The main difference between Kerry and Bush on Iraq boils down to Bush’s continued, albeit cynical and false, claim that the US mission in Iraq is to bring “freedom” and “democracy,” words that were nearly absent in Kerry’s discussion with the Wall Street Journal  
Kerry represents that section of the US ruling elite that wants to set aside Bush’s doubletalk about democratization. This was necessary for gulling the American people during the run-up to the war, they concede, but now it is time to get on with their real business, by establishing the security conditions in which American capital can extract profits from Iraq’s huge oil reserves and from lucrative contracts with the US-controlled puppet regime in Baghdad."
From the Boston Herald
Kerry: 40,000 more troops key to U.S. global mission.
by Noelle Straub
Saturday, May 29, 2004  
WASHINGTON - Senator Kerry yesterday called for boosting the size of the U.S. military by 40,000 troops for the rest of the decade to ease the burden on the National Guard and Reserve, which have been heavily deployed to.  
But the Bush campaign fired back, noting that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld authorized the Army in January to increase its size by 30,000 troops.
Also, from Bloombergs...
Kerry Calls for More Troops in Iraq, Bolstering U.S. Military
-- Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry called for 40,000 more U.S. troops in Iraq--
"Kerry has to be careful in the campaign not to be perceived as too eager to change the course of U.S. policy toward Iraq.''  
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jimmie d

"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whipped cream." - FZ

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« Reply #223 on: Jul 24th, 2004, 3:48pm »
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on Jul 24th, 2004, 1:36pm, imisshimbad wrote:
How can Nader know everyone in Oregon,
how do you justify Kerry's escalation in the war and violence referred to in his plans above. Could you address that point please?

Yes, I can, but I won't. Besides, it seems to me that you've inferred that I've taken a previous position regarding Kerry and the war, which I haven't and won't.

...and you want to be my latex salesman...
« Last Edit: Jul 24th, 2004, 4:16pm by jimmie d » IP Logged

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« Reply #224 on: Jul 25th, 2004, 5:08am »
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If voting changed anything it would be illegal.
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