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PostPosted: 05 Mar 2008 08:09     Post subject:
There's also something else going on here that's worth being aware of for a couple of reasons...

I like to live in peace, but if someone personally attacks me (again and again for years), at some point I'm going to respond. I figure the best response is just to throw some light on it so it can be easy to recognize in the future, (thus making it more difficult to continue). Throwing some light on it also weakens my attackers case. If Jimmie's best answers to my challanges to his position are to not answer them, and instead attack me personally, then it may seem to some that my position is the stronger one.

I prefer to go after my attackers CONTENT, (rather than to take the futile "return personal attacks" route). Part of this is to provide facts, and part of this is to show what is weak about my attackers position. Along the way I might even diminish the harrassment that started four years ago. To those who don't disagree with Jimmie politically, he's a pretty nice guy, but disagree with him and personal attacks begin. Also Jimmie's harassment of me is no longer confined to political threads, it's spreading, (and I grow tired of it).

For example when I spent about four days putting together an animation for the forum laced with Zappa jokes, and posted it on the forum as a Christmas present, Jimmie had to get right in there and write something nasty.

Who are you, the Grinch who stole Christmas?

Yes I call myself a Zappa fan, (and I think posts like that make you a divider). So whatl if I started a new thread after making an animation for a Christmas present, big deal. I wonder what's in your heart that made you to go in there and write that.


And with that said, here is the other side[b] of the issue, it's time has come:

Just as important as providing facts showing my side of an argument, is showing what is weak about the other side. In Jimmie's case it's sorta like shining a flashlight out into space because usually the resoponse to my challenges are not there, but I'll turn on the flashlight anyway so other forumers can see the patterns I've discovered after four years of harassment, even if there's no substance enclosed by them. There are several benefits available from this I think....

For example, Jimmie-d...

1. You repeat some Democrat rhetoric or a cartoon and I challenge it. You then:

A. Don't answer my challenge, (I prefer to ask about the holes in your position the bombers are currently flying through, difficult questions for a lesserevil to answer). Not answering my challenges to your position is the general rule, this is generally accompanied by one or more of the following :

B. Spam the forum with distraction, get the subject off the challenge, (or the particularly damming information I just posted about the Democrats). As distraction is the most common response, there are tons of examples of it. For one example: I started the "How to Fool a Democrat" thread because a large portion of anti-war voters are in the Democrat rank and file. Many have recently found out about the true nature of the big money Dems (for example voted into control of Congress and then nearly doubling the war spending, instead of ending the wars as promised). We all KNOW not to vote for the big money Republicans, but do we all know not to vote for the big money Democrats? Although the "How to Fool A Republican" thread can provide Jimmie with a handy reusable distraction, away from questions or light that I throw on the Democrats. To the rest of us who know not to vote for the big money Republicans, it is unnecessary distraction, spam.

C. Ridicule me, (below is the price pay of asking you difficult questions about lesserevilism and it's associated bombing). Also to mention, ridiculing me by calling me childish names such as Trendy, Badmonger, on acid, Bushlover, or saying I have a tin foil hat or bumper sticker on my UFO, in response to my questions can backfire on you, it can make you look bad for doing it, instead of making me look bad for receiving it.

jimmie d killed the forum wrote:

[b]Hey, baddy, do ya have one on the bumper of your UFO, too?

LOL Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green LOL

...and I wasn't even in this thread, you're just bad-mouthing me...

jimmie d killed the forum wrote:
baddy, might pop a boner over this. Mr. Green Twisted Evil Wink

jimmie d killed the forum wrote:
punknaynowned wrote:
Jones is giving so much press on Ron Paul . . .

ergo.....the baddy-boner Cool

There's four years of personal ridicule like the above I've endured. Yes I attack your lesser evil voting position, but I don't ridicule you with personal attacks, or talk about your dick.

D. Attack my information for it's grammar, (but still no answer to it's content).

jimmie d killed the forum wrote:
Proper grammar would be: the bombs would finally stop falling on my family and me.

I was previously unaware that you were a member of the Me-First Generation, baddy.

You need help, dude. I won't revisit this thread.

Won't revisit the thread because of it's bad grammar, or is that just a cop out from having to look at the thread's content, and the results of it's poll, (THE THREAD IS HERE ).

E. Say my information was posted in the wrong thread, (but no answer to it's content).

F. Attack my information for being in a "redundant" thread, (but no answer to it's content).

G. Attack my information for spelling, (but no answer to it's content).

H. SAY YOUR ACTIVE X DOESN'T WORK, (THIS ONE'S A CLASSIC) Shortly after totally failing to defend Air America's Randi Rhodes in the above clip, you were on the forum posting: 'if you want to know the truth, listen to Air America,' ....sheeez... And something similar happened the other day, I debunked your Democrat-fear-Nader cartoons with facts, and challenged you to answer, and your response was to imply that I "manufactured" the image of your own words, and then you came back posting more of the same Democrat-fear-Nader cartoons again.

I. Tell us you don't have to answer any of my questions, (yet you demand I answer yours).
jimmie d killed the forum wrote:
Baddy, you quoted me, but failed to give a direct answer to the question posed in the quote.

J. Tell me you "don't read that thread anymore," (but accuse me of not reading posts that you make).

K. Attack my information for length. Truth: Most of the truth in the world is not on TV (or in cartoons). If one doesn't read a lot, then one doesn't know a lot.

It's important to show facts backing up my zero-tolerance antiwar position when it's challenged, but it's just as important to show what is weak about any challenges that come to my position. I hope these two posts have done that.

Things are a lot different around here than they were in 2004, we've picked up some more good people. I would personally hope that the political wing of the forum continues moving in this direction, more truly antiwar/ and progressive such as sites like,, and

It's not money for the troops,
It's money for the elite.
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