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gofour Unregistered
User (8/8/02 12:37:25 am) |
Very long answer
to 4the4's question
As simply as I can explain it. The race car should be viewed as a
flat table with four legs (one at each corner). Now imagine a drop
of water on the tables surface. If you cut off one of the legs of
the table then the water will run to that corner. Weight is the
same. If you lower a corner of the racecar then you will place more
weight on that tire. This is done by compressing the spring with a
jacking bolt at that corner of the racecar. This is the concept of
(ride height/corner weight).
Now remember that a racecar
undergoes multiple forces when in motion in a corner. One force -
centrifigal - is acting on the racecar so as to push it from the
inside of the track outward toward the wall (tie a weight to a
string and swing it - the weight will pull outward), a second force
is the straight line momentum of the car itself from the rear wheels
pushing it from behind. The result of these two forces is called the
resultant vector. If you can imagine a large box sitting on the
floor and one person pushing it from behind and another person
pushing it from the left side the resultant vector would be forward
and to the right. Same for a racecar - the natural motion of the car
in a turn would be for the right front corner to head toward the
wall. This is the natural resultant vector.
Controlling these
two concepts used to make up the foundation of nearly 70% of a race
cars handling. The trick was to make the race car turn against the
resultant vector using weight distribution. Think about that box
again - how would the angle the box moved be changed if someone was
pushing down from the top? What would happen if someone pushed down
hard on the right rear corner of the box while it was being pushed
from the rear and the left side? (It would be pushed clockwise in a
big circle) What would happen if someone pushed down hard on the
left rear corner of the box instead? (It would turn counter
clockwise in a big circle) As you can see the amount of pressure
applied to each corner of the box could be adjusted to make the
resultant vector change. This is what is done with ride height (by
compressing the spring) to get the car to turn. Try it with a box
and the folks at home and you will see what I mean. Now lets
short-cut this discussion to say that through trial and error it has
been determined that pushing down on the left rear makes the car
turn best. For years that was the secret to handling - get the most
left rear weight possible. Then it was discovered that this could be
overdone and teams started to learn that if they compressed the
oppisite corner of the car they could control how much the car
turned. This is the concept of crossweight also known as wedge. If
you weigh the car on scales placed under each tire and add the
weights together you determine the total weight of the car. Now if
you compress the left rear spring you will add weight to that corner
and make the car want to turn but if you compress it too much it
will turn too much (oversteer also called loose). To compensate for
this you compress the opposite corner (right front) more or less
until you can controll the amount the car turns. Add the weight of
these two corners together then divide by the total weight of the
car and you will get your cross weight percentage. The cars used to
use between 51% and 56% crossweight (or wedge) depending on how
tight the radius of the turns were. During the race the crew would
either compress or decompress one of these springs to add or reduce
the cross weight in the car (more if the car was loose less if the
car was tight).
This seems all so simple until you put the
car in motion and it begins to experience weight transfer. Racers
soon noticed that the weight would move around on the cars when they
were in a turn going fast. They do all sorts of things like weight
naturally moves from the left to the right of the car (you probably
experience it as body roll on the family car) in a hard turn. It
also moves from the rear to the front when entering a turn under
braking and back to the rear again when exiting a turn under
accelleration. Soon it was discovered that a stiffer spring in the
right front would resist this weight transfer and help keep the
weight on the left side where it was best. Stiffer springs in the
front would resist weight transfer from the front to the rear, and
so on. Through trial and error the best set-up for each track was
determined. Best springs, wedge%, front/rear% etc..
The Wood
brothers went to Indy to pit Jim Clark in the 60's. They noticed
that the Indy cars were using tires of a larger circumference on the
right side than the left. Now imagine an ice cream cone setting on
its side on your table at home if you give it a push it will
naturally turn in a circle. Thats what larger outside tires did for
the race car. The difference in circumference between the inside and
ouside tire is called stagger.
Stagger changed the game. This
allowed the car to turn easier which allowed more speed to be
carried through the turns and now the cars would generate enough
centrifigal force that the cars were going beyond the traction
limits of the tires. The amount of front or rear weight would be
adjusted to place more on the front or rear to help put more on the
tires that were braking traction first. (different today as you will
see later).
People became creative. Cars were constructed
with large amounts of left side weight to help them turn, bodies
were lowered to keep the center of gravity down to reduce body roll,
rear axles were shifted so that the outside tires had a longer
wheelbase than the inside tires making the rear end push the car in
a counterclockwise direction, etc..etc..etc.. These things are still
done today but are regulated by the rulebook to keep things within
reason and the racing more even.
Then came a huge revalation.
Weight transfer was best controlled by the shocks. The teams started
using shock dynos to measure the weight transfer charateristics
without having to go through so much trial and error on track
testing. The first folks to master the shocks had a big advantage on
the rest of the field.
Tires changed from bias ply to
radials. The radials didn't change circumference much with pressure
changes which removed the adjustability from stagger. Teams started
to concentrate more and more on adjustments like camber to help cars
turn and brake bias came into play.
Many of the simple
concepts I discussed earlier did not work in the same ways any more.
The results of the old methods didn't yield the same results. One
such example is the question you posed regarding front weight. Used
to be that adding front weight would help keep the front tires from
sliding across the race track and lower the traction limit of the
rear loosing the car. Suddenly more front weight caused the car to
get tighter instead. Cars had become so good at turning especially
with the addition of power steering and much improved sidewall
construction the extra weight caused a condition called slip angle.
You see this when you reach in your car from the outside and turn
the wheel while at a stop. You will notice that the wheel (rim) will
turn a few degrees before the tire starts to rotate.The side wall is
flexing. The more front weight you add to the race car the more the
tire's sidewall will flex before it turns. This means the driver has
to turn the wheel further and further to make the car turn before it
actually does. The racecar driver feels this as a push or
Things like slip angle (sidewall flex) can not be
explained using the simple model I began this discussion with. It is
a variable called dynamic state physics. The simple model most
people use when trying to understand how a race car works (the one I
started this loooong explination with) is called static state
physics. Many many teams at the local track are still using static
state methods and they walk around the pits confused and are usually
easy to beat. I am totally confident that our boys at MMM have an
excellent understanding of dynamic state physics as it trelates to
the racecar.
All of what I have mentioned so far is largely
mechanical. Racing today is no longer ruled by the mechanical.
Todays game must incorporate the aerodynamic world. Unfortunately
many of the dynamic state mechanics that I have described do not
work they way they used to in the new aero age. Many Winston Cup
teams are now using 600lb springs in the right rear and it is the
heaviest spring in the car. This is contrary to anything we have
discovered using static or dynamic reasoning. Guys like Sterling
Marlin even admit that they do not fully understand why things work
the way they do now but you can bet there is a team of engineers
that do on his team. I full expect that MMM must make the transition
from dynamic mechanical thinking to the new world of aero in order
to become competive again. This is the reasoning behind my constant
call for R&D efforts, increased engineering involvement, and
much much more data acquisition. There are things going on now that
are simply not understood and the old methods (hard work or not)
will no longer work.
Sorry for the length of this but
hopefully my one or two sentence comments will make more sense to
all of you in the future.
gofour Unregistered
User (8/8/02 12:48:03 am) |
Oh and...
Oh and another thing. My spelling doesn't count after midnight.
bobbyfan55 Registered User Posts: 15 (8/8/02 8:00:55 am) |
Re: Oh
Super info here. Thanks. The examples are great and
exactly what a non-techie like me need to understand the concepts we
hear about all the time.
This has helped me understand even more the challange all
the teams and drivers are up against in the sport
Thanks again. I'm even going to print this out for
future reference.
ZNAKOMI Administrator Posts: 1553 (8/8/02 8:11:07 am)
Re: Oh
Thanks for the GREAT post gofour. Not only a great synopsis (I'll
read it a couple more times), but a great HISTORY lesson
One thing that surprised me...air pressure. Is the
PRIMARY reason for air pressure to change the diameter? Diameter has
more effect than anything else?
Awesome post, many thanks for
taking the time!
VT1 Registered User Posts: 55 (8/8/02 8:19:41 am) |
Good stuff there Gofour..........I've printed this out also.
User Posts: 542 (8/8/02 8:23:37
Re: Oh
Gofour, awsome post buddy! I'm still struggling with understanding
the dynamic state physics. so I have no idea whats up with the areo
stuff. I learned something with that post. IT must be hard to find
people that understand this What other series would use it?
BTW if you caught the featherlite mod tour race on speed
channel from new hampshire the other night the guy that won it is my
next door neighbor. Leaty.
4the4 |
Smilin4Mike Registered User Posts: 31 (8/8/02 8:38:29 am) |
Re: Very long
answer to 4the4's question & why MMM's str
Hey, could you send that to Larry?
Thanks for posting that.
One of the reasons I like coming here - I really learn a lot about
racing, and all the particulars of it.
gofour Unregistered
User (8/8/02 12:28:04 pm) |
I am assuming you are talking about air pressure in
the tires. When the cars used bias ply tires the circumfrence of the
tire could be changed a great deal by adjusting air pressure. This
was how you could achieve anywhere from 1/16' stagger to up to 2''
depending on how much help the car needed to turn. When the radial
tire was introduced this was no longer the case. As you know a
radial tire is constructed with a very strong belt around the
circumfrence of the tire. Now additional air pressure does very
little to change the circumfrence of the tire. Hence, the role of
air pressure has changed.
There are two types of weight on a
racecar. Sprung and unsprung. Sprung weight is anything on the car
that is above or supported by the springs. Unsprung is obviously any
weight that is below or not supported by the springs. As you can
imagine the sprung weight moves around on the car during weight
transfer. The unsprung weight is fixed and does not move. Therefore
changes in unsprung weight make for a much more predictable results.
The simple concepts of static dynamics are 80% to 90% correct with
unsprung weight. Air pressure in the tires is now used to effect
unsprung weight. Lets think of a radial tire as a spring. The more
air in the tire the stiffer it becomes, the stiffer it becomes the
more it resists weight and the more it places on the other tires. If
the right rear air pressure is increased then this tire will have
less unsprung weight placed on it and will break traction more
easily. This is done to help a car that is too tight
(understeering). Air pressure removed from that tire will add weight
and therefore keep the tire from slipping as much this is done to
help the car that is too loose (oversteering). Our old friend slip
angle plays the largest huge role here as well. The more air
pressure in a tire then the stiffer the sidewall. The stiffer the
sidewall the lower the slip angle which makes the tire more
responsive to turning. Some prefer to think of it this way - the
more air in the tire the less the tire can be compressed and the
smaller the contact patch. The less air the more the tire can
compress and the greater the contact patch. More contact patch less
tire slide, less contact patch more tire slide.
Often we
hear about small air pressure changes the crew makes during the
race. These changes can be small and still be effective because each
1lb of air pressure changes the tires spring rate by close to 10lbs.
Now 10lbs does not sound like much until you consider the fact that
the unsprung weight of the car is low. Lets say that only 15% of a
car is unsprung weight. A 3400lb car * 15% = 510lbs unsprung weight.
Now a 1lb change in a tire equals 10lbs. Thus a 1 lb air pressure
change would yield 10/510 or nearly a 2% difference in unsprung
weight weight distribution. Add the effect on slip angle where a
10lb change in air pressure is very substantial - add or subtract
10lbs on your car at home and see for yourself (Don't drive it like
this; but turn the wheel while it is stopped and watch the
difference) and the results can be dramatic. This is the most
predictable change and is usually the first adjustment made before
the larger things are tried. Air pressure is only a tuning device
but it is quite effective. They usually start with a change in the
right rear and then go from there.
gofour Unregistered
User (8/8/02 9:40:28 pm) |
Are you talking about Jan Leaty? I remember him from
more than 20 years ago. He was just starting out in the strictly
stock division at Spencer and I was impressed with his focus then.
He hadn't started driving Modifieds yet but had one under
construction. I think that Troyer noticed his focus as well. Last I
knew he was going to drive a car for some outfit that was going to
be the factory team for Troyer using Maynards number 6. Is that what
he won in?
ZNAKOMI Administrator Posts: 1555 (8/9/02 7:54:16 am)
Re: Leaty
Thanks gofour. So I gather air pressure pushing unsprung weight off
a tire, or onto it, is like a predictable "global" correction over
what is happening with the sprung weight. I'm guessing also that it
takes on, or pushes off, the sprung weight as well, but not so easy
to calculate the sprung weight effect due to the motion of the
sprung weight. Ya know, I never considered air pressure doing
something to the weight distribution, I always thought it was only
acting on the contact patch. Great information gofour, thanks for
taking the time. Any other info you may think we're missing...we
probably are!
I'm guessing that the slip angle induced by
lower pressure is what creates "sawing" on the wheel?
gofour Unregistered
User (8/9/02 11:38:20 am) |
You have it down. You are correct on all counts.
ZNAKOMI Administrator Posts: 1556 (8/9/02 5:36:43 pm)
Re: Very long
answer to 4the4's question & why MMM's str
gopher, If ya wouldn't mind continuing this very interesting
crash course... What about the case today at the glen (in Don's
post), where theyre in practice (and can screw with anything), and
they're tight in, loose off... Does this imply a kind of balance,
(as opposed to tight or loose all the way in and out)?
the shock work to tweek the timing of the weight arriving front,
then rear? Does this mean that they also like the left to right
weight distribution as dictated by tire wear, that's why they are
doing it with shocks, not stiffer left springs? Does tire wear
dictate how much weight ya gotta carry overall on the left
side...and right springs are set from there? Any comments
ZANK (It's capital letters, caps lock snuck
on when I registered)
gofour Unregistered
User (8/9/02 6:19:12 pm) |
Gopher - LOL! - Point taken