"Please Look Down"

Press PLAY button TWICE to start.

Here it is in mp3 if you don't have RealPlayer, (Right Click, then "Save Target As" to download).

Can you guess where I am?

Millions upon millions of people have been here, and you can hear some of them, (for five or six seconds each, before the next ones arrive).

I had fun, I've photographed this place before, but this time I had a little stereo recorder with me. It's a long chamber, maybe 400 feet long, (by 20 feet high, by 40 feet wide). These dimentions created some very interesting echos, and also some strong pockets of resonations occuring at multiple places along the chamber.

Sometimes the sound sources were moving, and this made the locations and intensity of the resonations dynamic.

All the sound in the audio is "real," the only sound alteration I made was a ten second fade out at the end of the file so it would end gracefully. Although it is compiled from sections of six clips, all the sounds are completely untouched, this is what it truly sounds like there.

Where am I?

First clues dispersed throughout the first minute and a half, although distracted from and purposely subtle to make the first clue the "hardest."

:23 (Interesting, such a slight Doppler effect).

1:24 (I have no idea what causes the subtle, low frequency, long period resonance occurring at 1:24, 1:30, 1:35, 1:38, 1:44, 1:48, and extends into the announcement.

1:40 Next clue.

2:10 (That's me laughing with the beep driver).

2:53 - 3:04 Next clue.

3:15 I was asked to take a picture of a young foreigner in this place, ("Can you take a picture?").

3:50 I begin suggesting a second picture without the flash. Lol, he didn't seem to get totally behind the idea, but the photo he wanted is one with only the ambient light that this place features. The second photo turns out much better and he happily disappears, (lol, knowing to think about ambient light in his future photos, a permanent bennie of our 70 second meeting).

4:22 "Thank You sir."

4:44 I like the kid's voice at 4:44 and her "Yay" at 4:53.

4:58 About this time I begin moving with the recorder.

5:08 Final clue.

(Note, that's pretty much it for the clues, I left more of the recording just for fun ambience).

7:06, 7:12, and 8:40 there's that buzzing noise again.























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