Dennis Kucinich was given 8 minutes and 45 seconds out of  the last two hour Democratic debate. Mike Gravel was given ZERO minutes, Hillary was given 23 minutes, Edwards and Obama 16 minutes each. This is when the elections are really happening, not November. This is how the people are given the two lesser evil choices they will accept and select from in choosing who will represent corporate next November.

All in all, the fake anti-war view (C+O+E), received 55 minutes, and the real anti-war view was given 8:45.

Dennis did a pretty good job with his allotted sliver of time.


A note on the UFO question. Too bad the DNC thought to give this to him as his last question, almost as if not only to waste this Presidential candidates precious 8 minutes, but also to try to leave this as the people's last impression, (sorta like getting to play last in a battle of the bands). Dennis quickly said he saw something unidentified, but also said (with a motion of his hands), that the REST of the story... Shirley had embellished it substantially in her book.

BTW, here's the timing for this debate:

























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