Ron Paul during the recent Republican debate, Oct 07.

In a few of the responses above, Ron Paul is referring our US debt based currency. Very few Presidents dare talk about this stuff and Presidents that do try to restore the power to print non-interest money from the central banks, back to Congress, can get assassinated. Wilson was the last President who was duped by the central banks into giving them control of the US money supply (control has gone back and forth 8 times in our US history). Wilson realized too late, and in 1924 he said before his death, "I have unwittingly ruined my government." We still run under the Federal Reserve (a private, for profit bank, it's not federal, and there are no reserves), with the ruined government Wilson spoke of.

As Rothchild said: "Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not who makes it's laws."

There is a 45 minute animation below that explains most of what I'm about to say, (and more that I won't say). The animation in the link below also found that almost no Americans they polled understood what a debt based monetary system means to their wallets, (I was quite surprised when I first learned about this).

 In fact a debt based monetary system such as ours, by it's very nature, cannot survive. Our system works by transferring wealth to the rich, and because of interest, the rate at which wealth must be transferred MUST increase geometrically just for the economy to break even. This requires a geometric growth of the economy which also is not possible, (for example a 3% per year economy growth is 3% on the LAST years 3% growth, which was increased over the previous years increase, and so on. 3% sounds like so little, it sounds like a slightly increasing straight line on a chart but it is not, it is a geometric increase. This is impossible to sustain in the real world for any duration, (especially now that financial instruments are 40% of our GDP and paper money has now replaced hard goods as our biggest export, (I say it's prudent to do 2 things: buy gold and learn to swim).

The necessary geometric growth of debt (and resulting reliance of geometric growth of economy to compensate), happens because MOST (not all, a small fraction is created by the government), of our money supply is created by banks out of thin air at the moment they make loans. They simply type new money into the banking system, (yes, that is really true). Almost no paper money exists to back this new money, for every $1100 the banking system has, they can create almost $100, 000 to loan, (it's worse in Japan, that's why they crashed in the late 80's).

The banks can't let everyone collect their money at the same time because although the government backs the banks computer created money (when you make a cash withdrawel from your account), there is waaaaaay more computer money in the system than there is paper money to back it, (when you take a $10, 000 loan on a car, you pay with a check that is deposited by the seller, it never becomes "cash.").

When you take a car loan out, the bank is NOT giving you $10, 000 from money they have in their vault, they instead are typing almost the whole loan amount as new money...almost all of the $10, 000 did not exist before you took the loan out...the only thing of "value" backing the money is your promise to pay it back (plus interest)...this is not only astounding to most people when they first hear it, this is where the vast majority of our US money comes from..

The inescapable problem with the above central bank scheme is that only the money for the PRINCIPLE is created, but when people borrow the $10, 000 for a car in our example, they have to pay it back PLUS INTEREST. The money for  the interest is never created. The borrower can only get money from the general money supply to pay back the principle + interest...but almost all of that money was created the same way, as PRINCIPLE of loans. Only computer money for the principle exists, so you see the catch, the only way to have enough money in the supply to pay back the principle that was created, plus interest on it, is for more debt to be created to put more money into the supply.

When you realize this you realize a couple of things:

The amount of debt must increase geometrically in order to break even. This benefits the central banks, but no-one else. This also requires a geometric (unsustainable in the real world), growth year on year in the economy.

Because this has been multiplying since Wilson approved the charter of the Federal Reserve in 1913, almost all of out money has been created this way, and since it is almost all based on debt,  if we were to pay back the debt, almost all of our money would return to where it came from, nothing. If we would pay back the debt, all but a tiny fraction of out money supply would simplel be paid back on the books, and thus cease to exist.

The way out of this is relatively painless, but it means f-ing with the outer frame of "the big picture," it would mean refusing to renew the Federal Reserve charter, (and authorizing only Congress to print INTEREST FREE money, as the Constitution provides for and 3 past Presidents have done). In order to avoid the inflation that printing this money could create, we would need to simultaneously increase the reserve requirements of banks when they write loans, gradually increasing reserve requirements from 10% to 100%. If we figure we can reprint a 50 trillion dollar economy in 10 years, then the increase in reserve requirements on loans should move from 10% to 100% over 10 years.

Of course this would be a great benefit to Americans, but the central banks are 2 levels above the politicians (corporate is between), so the politicians sponsors are never going to suggest it. Except Ron Paul, that is...

What kind of President would Ron Paul make?

An assassinated one.


Here is a link to a 45 minute animation that explains this very simply, and far better than I can with my words:

CLICK HERE for the Money as Debt animation.






















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